| Sayings are presented in ascending order for easy reference.
 | Ideal for all levels of Chinese language learners
|  | Illustrations, photos of cultural relics and a brief Chinese chronology chart are included to further illustrate the historical backgrounds of the sayings.
|  | The meaning of each word in a saying is provided along side with the literal English translation. The idiomatic meaning and English equivalents are provided where applicable.
|  | Two sets of transcription are provided: Hanyu Pinyin for modern standard Chinese and the Yale systems for Cantonese to help the readers to pronounce the sayings accurately.
|  | The "Note" section includes remarks, nuances usage in different situations and additional information.
|  | Simplified Chinese and Pinyin are used throughout the book and Traditional Chinese with Cantonese transcription are provided in the appendix for easy reference.
|  | When it comes to a saying with several meanings, the most widely used definition will be noted. Words that look alike or have similar pronunciation, would be listed for clarification.
|  | Related Vocabulary with Pinyin and English definition is included. |